Monday, October 14, 2013

A glow coming from you !

---To lighten dark spots and acne marks, dab on fresh squeezed lemon juice, or apply organic grass-fed yogurt to your entire face and neck (leave on for 10 min­utes) to lighten and brighten your skin.

---Pre­vent and elim­i­nate black­heads, dry skin, and give your skin a dewy look just by drink­ing at least 2 liters (1/2 gal­lon) of fil­tered water per day – sounds like a lot, but it will do the trick!

---Use a lotion mask nightly (or in the morn­ing before apply­ing makeup), for a beau­ti­fully mois­tur­ized and glow­ing com­plex­ion.

---To heal a pim­ple quickly, apply 100% tea tree oil with a cot­ton swab directly onto the pim­ple every few hours, and apply vit­a­min E oil on the spot at night, about 1 hour before bedtime.

---Pre­vent pim­ples and keep your skin smooth with gly­colic acid from a sugar scrub – mix organic cane sugar with your face or body wash in the palm of your hand, or try my DIY sim­ple scrub

---For a quick glow, apply a few drops of olive, coconut, or jojoba oil to the tops of your cheek­bones and your brow­bones (where you would apply high­lighter or shim­mer cream).

---Eat 1 cup of leafy greens daily (prefer­ably steamed, juiced, or blended for best diges­tion) to keep your com­plex­ion clear and under-eye cir­cles at bay.


STRONG words = Feelings

Lips and Hair ALWAYS pops !!

Scared of Fashion ?!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

F.A.B. ?????????????

For those who are 'losing their mind' trying to figure out what F.A.B. means....